
B2B marketing strategy with impact

B2B marketing is nothing without a clear strategy. And a clear strategy starts with making choices. Where do you stand in relation to your competitors? Which markets do you serve and with which products and services? What are you actually solving: what can customers best turn to you for?

The Voxx Strategy team works together with your sales, marketing and/or communication team to formulate an answer to all these questions. Using your content as a starting point, we then establish your value proposition, core message and an effective content strategy.

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positioning in the market

Where are you in the market, how is your brand positioned and which way do you want to go? Together, we determine your position and bring clarity to your customer segments, your core message and your added value. Voxx Strategy supports you in:

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B2B marketing and content strategy

From formulating the right route and measurable goals to sharing content through the right resources and channels, Voxx Strategy supports you throughout the entire process. We help you with:

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Campaigns are a strategic way to generate very focused attention from your target group for a message, new service, product or scheme. Would you like to outsource your company's content marketing campaign to an experienced partner? Voxx Strategy helps you to:


B2B positioning puts pet food supplier on the international map

From manufacturer to strategic service provider of digital composites

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