Online results platform on global development
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs had the ambition to present the results of Development Cooperation unambiguously and clearly. To the Chamber and the general public. Therefore, in 2015, the ministry put out a request for a content agency that could create one report out of more than 80 different PDFs, graphs, tables and texts of the various programmes as one integrated report.
Voxx developed an integrated report based on a clear content strategy. The online report became a fully web-based and responsive publication. All data is visualised and can be adjusted in real time. The report is published in Dutch and in English. All content, from images to editing, is provided by our agency. After the edition of 2016 (available only as an interactive pdf) three more reports will follow: 2017, 2018 and 2019.
Platform with real-time data
300 pages in 2 weeks
In 2 weeks, 8 editors took care of rewriting, correcting and translating some 300 pages of information. The Dutch and English texts form the basis for the substantiation of the policy.
Attention to SDGs
The SDGs aim to end global problems and challenges from poverty, inequality and equal rights to sustainable consumption and production, climate change and conflict management. The Netherlands is committed to achieving these goals, both domestically and globally. In 2019, a visualisation was developed that clarifies which themes support which SDGs.
data for visualisations

results in pictures
The challenge is both to visualise the amount of data in the right way and to bring consistency to the story. Each theme and each country must be free to show its own results in a way that fits. Without the reader losing sight of the forest for the trees. That is why we come up with a structure that is both unambiguous and flexible in the choice of certain displays of numbers, graphs and projects.
responsive and corporate identity
Continuous improvement of OS reports
From 2015, Voxx has been developing online reports. Every year, we improve the reports through new and additional insights. In 2019, the ministry wanted more room for storytelling. In close coordination with the ministry, we set the frameworks for the new reporting. In 2019, we also decided to add on a new theme: Education. In addition, the website was critically re-examined in terms of security and accessibility.
300 pages visual summary
A single world map visually summarises several hundreds of pages of information. The user can approach the map in different ways: from each theme, one can see in which countries the results have been achieved, and from the countries, one can see which thematic areas are explained.
user research + linking OS data system
After we conducted an extensive user survey among our own staff, clients, the Lower House and NGOs, it turned out there was a need for more depth, more stories, one overview AND a link to a new (own) OS data system. That also means: a lot more information. Without overwhelming the user with data. How do you do that?
from wireframes to more storytelling
To clarify exactly which aspects needed more depth, and how best to shape that, we created wireframes. In a first online concept, we took the entire OS management through how we incorporated the main conclusions of the user research.
On the first page, visitors can find all the basic information: by country or theme. If one wants more information, a detailed explanation based on indicators follows. As these can be both quantitative and qualitative, we have devised a nice visualisation for both options. Much attention has also been paid to the SDGs of Dutch development policy.
RVO supports the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in missions, Partners in Business and entrepreneurs who want to do business abroad.
Dutch and English: Voxx writes both languages with equal ease. For the communication of Technology Park Ypenburg, we put that quality to use as well.